9/16/93 10:00:47 AM Opening "Chat Log 9/16/93" for recording. MarshalBak : Olympic Preview on Ice--at the U of DE LisaSeven : Marshall, do you want me to add you to the GroupE-mail that we send to everyone in LeeAnn 1 : that's pretty neat. LisaSeven : the figure skating interest group? LeeAnn 1 : who's going to be there? Nebula5 : Welcome to the Figure Skating Forum! Nebula5 : Oops too late LisaSeven : Yes, that is really exciting that she does those shows. MarshalBak : I just got added today, Neb--Julie D sent my name in LisaSeven : I have heard of the Olympic Preview. LeeAnn 1 : Lynne - I'm also logging in case you get bumped off of your computer. MarshalBak : Where are you bLynne? LisaSeven : Thanks LeeAnn...my computer is bad news. Nebula5 : I'm logging, as usual LeeAnn 1 : :( LisaSeven : I am in Louisiana...the only state with NO ice rinks in the United States....bummer LeeAnn 1 : I mean that for lynne, not you Nebula. Nebula5 : Is something else supposed to be happening here? LisaSeven : Thanks Nebula!!! LeeAnn 1 : Nebula, what is your first name? Nebula5 : Julie -- another one! LeeAnn 1 : :) THere are a lot. LisaSeven : Well gang...I tried to pick a topic we could all talk about no matter how much we knew about Nebula5 : Sure a lot of in-and-outers tonight! LisaSeven : figure skating. Nebula5 : I'm not sure I underestand what you mean, though! LisaSeven : I was torn between Julie Z's topic and the one of depth in Figure SKating. LisaSeven : I think that Julie Z's topic is a good one we should use definitely in the future. Nebula5 : :) Nebula5 : But what do you mean by depth? LisaSeven : It was a great idea!!! I just flipped a coin. LisaSeven : Well...depth in figure skating...as in how do we stand as far as potential medalists and LisaSeven : up and comers...strong contenders in each of the disciplines. LisaSeven : For instance, right now, I think we have some good depth in men's. MarshalBak : I'd be interested in comments on the pairs situation LisaSeven : Yes...we could start talking about the pairs. LeeAnn 1 : to say the least, LYnne. LisaSeven : I think that is where we were so weak for so long but I see alot of strong pairs building up Nebula5 : BUt it's getting so you can't keep track of who is with who!! LeeAnn 1 : I think it's kind of funny that at the least worlds, the pairs we the most successful. LisaSeven : Yes, that is true, Nebula. LeeAnn 1 : At least as to the numbers that will be sent in the Olympics. LisaSeven : The problem we have now is that they have changed partners so much that by the Olympics Nebula5 : How many are going? JL Pooley : 3 MarshalBak : amazing! Nebula5 : ! LisaSeven : they will still not have been together long enough to really be as strong contenders as the LisaSeven : Russians and the Canadians. LisaSeven : I really do like the Czech pair and hope they do well this year coming. Nebula5 : Yes, I think you are right. Meno and Sand should be in a groove by then, though. LeeAnn 1 : Meno and Sands have the best shot, I htink, but hte competition will be so tough with all the reinstat LeeAnn 1 : ers LisaSeven : Yes, Meno and Sand are coming along great. JL Pooley : It happens in other countries too -- the germans who won silver haven't been together long at all. LisaSeven : Also, Kristi is planning to go back into pairs...did you all know that? MarshalBak : for sure? Nebula5 : I must admit I was a little peeved with them leaving their partners, but it seems to be for Nebula5 : the best. LeeAnn 1 : I don't think it was definite. LisaSeven : I think the pairs competition is going to be awesome. LisaSeven : As far as I know....I think it is true. I didn't believe it either. MarshalBak : Calla and Rocky and new partners will be skating in Wilm at Preview LeeAnn 1 : And since the USSR won't be competing together anymore a lot more from the E.block will be going. LisaSeven : I will be anxious to hear how that goes. Nebula5 : I'm so jealous; you must keep us posted, Marshal! JL Pooley : Buying tickets tomorrow, Lynne! MarshalBak : Calla's husband reports that they look real good in Italy LisaSeven : Janet...you lucky dog. JL Pooley : woof! MarshalBak : lol Nebula5 : grrrrr LisaSeven : Why are they in Italy, Marshall? LeeAnn 1 : has anyone called that hotline for info? MarshalBak : That's where Joe M was!!! JL Pooley : The Blades hotline? I have. LisaSeven : Who is coaching them....? Nebula5 : What's hot? LeeAnn 1 : what's new? LeeAnn 1 : anything since last note? MarshalBak : Peter Burrows when they get bak JL Pooley : Well, it's a reasonably interesting hotline, but the tone is rather cheesey. JL Pooley : I think Julie D's posted all the best news. LeeAnn 1 : Julie Z, I think we right the same thing way too frequently. :) LisaSeven : What is the number, Janet? Can you E-mail it? Nebula5 : Ditto JL Pooley : 1-900-26-SKATE LeeAnn 1 : that was supposed to be write. JL Pooley : It costs a flat 4 bucks fee to call Nebula5 : (Hey, at least I can spel.) LeeAnn 1 : that's really $$$ LisaSeven : So who do you all think will be the biggest contenders for the gold? LisaSeven : IN pairs? LeeAnn 1 : :) Julie JL Pooley : Hi Morry! Nebula5 : Hi Morry! LisaSeven : Hi MOrry. MorryS : HI all Nebula5 : Welcome to the Figure Skating Forum! JL Pooley : Brasseur & Eisler hands down, so to speak LeeAnn 1 : They're my fav. for hte moment. Nebula5 : I bet you're right. At least I hope. LisaSeven : Who do you think are their major really serious competition? Nebula5 : Themselves. LisaSeven : I am wondering how Gordeeva and Grinkov are looking? JL Pooley : Well, MAYBE M&D, if they're in shape; more likely some of the more current pairs.... LisaSeven : I always have thought that G & G have had that special something. LeeAnn 1 : I think Gordeeva and Grinkov have a real nice shot. JL Pooley : Shishkova & Naumov can be really deadly when they're on Nebula5 : HI marge! JL Pooley : Hi Marge! MargeR1 : hi all LeeAnn 1 : Hi Marge! LisaSeven : I think that of the reinstated pairs, G&G have a good shot. LisaSeven : Yes... MorryS : Don"t overlook our own Cortland and Reynolds. They have simular athletic style LisaSeven : Hi Marge. JL Pooley : G&G were supposed to be at a show I was at last week, but they cancelled out. LisaSeven : I think that the German pair could possibly be quite strong again. LeeAnn 1 : realistically, what do you think Meno's and Sand's shot is? Nebula5 : Darn, I will miss all the pairs in Lillehammer. I think it will be one of the best compe- Nebula5 : titions there! MarshalBak : We saw Todd and Karen at Olympic Fest in SA and they looked really good JL Pooley : Morry, do you think Courtland & Reynolds have a medal shot? MargeR1 : Won't it hurt us that so many of our pairs have new partners? LisaSeven : I think that I can see them coming in 5th perhaps. MorryS : Yes JL Pooley : A medal? Really? Nebula5 : (Yes to which?) MorryS : Don"t count them out LeeAnn 1 : I was going to write htat Julie. LeeAnn 1 : :) Nebula5 : :) LisaSeven : Morry, what do you see as a weakness with Courtland and Reynolds? I haven't seen MorryS : Both LisaSeven : them skate in a long while? JL Pooley : Well, I never count ANYBODY out, but since they've never been to Worlds.... (have they?) LisaSeven : I don't think so. MorryS : Style needs some work. But they are our most athlectic team MarshalBak : no--they were alternates for both worlds and Olympics Nebula5 : Do you think that will be primary this time? Athletic vs style? LisaSeven : So this pair may be the big hope for 1995? JL Pooley : Oh, yes, I agree they're athletic, and I'm sure they'll make the Olympic team; it's this medal thing.. Nebula5 : Those pesky medals! LisaSeven : I think that there are still alot of Russian pairs that were trained under the old system MorryS : Loyd and Isabell are setting the trend with athletics LisaSeven : that have yet to surface. JL Pooley : Still, if Meno and Sand did so well the first time out.... LeeAnn 1 : They look very good together. LisaSeven : The Russians still have alot of depth in pairs.... LeeAnn 1 : I love that one lift they do with her leg on either side. JL Pooley : That's true, Lynne; it's just like dance. MorryS : They are very good but not as athlectic as is now expected Nebula5 : But Lloyd & Isabelle are going more "style" at least recently. LeeAnn 1 : The old USSR people will be hard to break in dance and pairs and I think. But not at all impossible. LisaSeven : I just realized that I don't know of the depth of the CAnadians in pairs. Anyone know? Nebula5 : I know more about their dance couples than pairs. MorryS : They have improved in style and lloyed is not quite a crazy JL Pooley : Well, aside from B&E, they've got some decent pairs, but nobody that really KNOCKs your socks off Nebula5 : And hey, that hair! JL Pooley : Still, all 3 of their top pairs did well at Worlds (top 10 or 12) MorryS : Isabelle is a real doll of a person Nebula5 : I was bawling my head off watching Worlds on CBC, then later on US tv LisaSeven : Well, then I think that the U.S. has more depth in pairs than the Canadians... LisaSeven : Is that safe to say? JL Pooley : Their #3 pair had just moved up from Juniors the year before; quite impressive. JL Pooley : Lisa's punted. Nebula5 : Oops we lost Lynne! LeeAnn 1 : she'll be back. MorryS : We have more good pairs than the Canadians but neither has medal quality below the top 2 Nebula5 : Well, I'll agree with her, as far as I know. But how much do we know? Nebula5 : I'm logging, by the way... JL Pooley : I think I need to move to where I can pick up Canadian TV broadcasts. MorryS : Our next big pair chance will be with Lance and Stephany Nebula5 : I'm SSSOOOOO glad we get them here (CBC). JL Pooley : That long program Oppegard did for them is gorgeous. JL Pooley : Where do you live, Julie? Nebula5 : Seattle JL Pooley : Hmmm, that's a bit far for me to move to.... :) MorryS : My home town or to say Everett LeeAnn 1 : who are Lance and Stephany? Nebula5 : The cable company keeps threatening to drop CBC, and they get protests galore! Nebula5 : Everett! Wow! JL Pooley : Stiegler & Travis; junior pair champs last year LeeAnn 1 : are they that good? MorryS : Travis and Steigler from LA Nebula5 : She's back! JL Pooley : Howdy LisaLynne! MargeR1 : welcome back MorryS : The take from John Nicks LisaSeven : DARN...KICKED OFF BY THE COMPUTER. Nebula5 : We kept silent while you were gone; right??? LisaSeven : HA!!! HOPEFULLY NOT! JL Pooley : I thought they took from Peter Oppegard, Morry? Did they switch? MorryS : Sorry. you are right Nebula5 : I'm logging, Lynne; check it out later! LisaSeven : I always felt that Peter Oppegard had great potential in pairs. JL Pooley : Yeah Lynne, we said great stuff about you! :) LisaSeven : Thanks, Neb. LisaSeven : But ofcourse you said wonderful stuff about me! MorryS : They do take from Peter and I will be killed since they all are associated with my club LisaSeven : No one will repeat what you say, Morry. Nebula5 : Is he just starting out as a coach, or has be been at it for a while? LisaSeven : Don't worry. JL Pooley : Oh, well, we won't tell, Morry! We can't have you getting killed! :) MarshalBak : Just we loggers ;-) MargeR1 : remember the log Nebula5 : Morry keeps saying things that could get him killed. What a cutthroat sport! MorryS : On prodigy someone came back to me JL Pooley : I promise to eat my log afterwards. LisaSeven : What happened? LeeAnn 1 : Do you think - I can't remember their names - the Russian and Am. pair will go to the Olympics? MarshalBak : Hi Brenda! MorryS : You are so right at the International Level LisaSeven : I am sorry but I am curious, Morry. BrendaW660 : Hi, all! Nebula5 : (I could edit the log before posting if you're Truly concerned.) LisaSeven : I guess I shouldn't ask , though. LisaSeven : Hi Brenda. LeeAnn 1 : Hi Brenda Nebula5 : Bren! MargeR1 : Hi brenda LeeAnn 1 : What's their names. Does anyone remember? JL Pooley : HiHi Brenda! BrendaW660 : Roca and Sur? MarshalBak : rite Nebula5 : Dance? LisaSeven : Do you mean the icedancers? LeeAnn 1 : that's it. Thanks. I thought I was losing my mind. LeeAnn 1 : :) JL Pooley : You mean Roca & Sur, LeeAnn? They're a dance couple. LisaSeven : Yes, I think they will definitely go. LeeAnn 1 : yep, yep. That's who I meant. MorryS : You will all get a good look at our top Pairs at Skate America. Anyone going? LeeAnn 1 : Doesn't he have a citizenship problem? Nebula5 : :( JL Pooley : I WANT TO!!! LisaSeven : I am thinking about going at the last minute. BrendaW660 : It's interesting ... I saw Roca and Sur skate at the NutraSweet World Professionals about a month, may JL Pooley : I don't think I can, though; i'm going to Skate Canada in november MorryS : His citizenship is now up to Congress LisaSeven : That is true...what is the latest with his citizenship papers? BrendaW660 : maybe, after they paired up. I wouldn't have thought it! LisaSeven : Are you going, Morry? BrendaW660 : Morry, I'd love to go but can't. I attended in Atlanta last year, though. JL Pooley : He won't get citizenship in time unless body in Congress takes a particular interest in him. LisaSeven : I may drive up to Dallas.... LisaSeven : It depends... I may be out in Los Angeles. JL Pooley : somebody in Congress, I mean MorryS : Two Senitors from Colorado are sponsoring Gorsha's application LeeAnn 1 : Somehow, I don't see any of them as skating activists. :( LisaSeven : Can they push it through in time? LeeAnn 1 : if they want to, yes. JL Pooley : I bet if they win Skate America that citizenship will get pshed through MIGHTY FAST!! :) Nebula5 : (I bet it will depend on how they do in upcoming competitions_ Nebula5 : Another ditto! MorryS : It only has to be before our selection is made after Nationals JL Pooley : It's just that if they win Sk8 Am., their medal chances will look very good.... Nebula5 : Who else do we have in dance that's a good potential? JL Pooley : At least to Congress, anyway. BrendaW660 : Who've we covered already? Nebula5 : Pairs LeeAnn 1 : pairs and a little dance. LeeAnn 1 : stop it Julie. :) JL Pooley : Punsalen & Swallow, although I doubt they'd medal at all. Nebula5 : Neener neener MarshalBak : Haven't mentioned Russ and Susy--they'll be here for Preview LeeAnn 1 : I really like them. Always have. LisaSeven : Did they reinstate? Nebula5 : Gosh LeeAnn 1 : I mean Punsalen and Swallow. MorryS : Rahkamo and Kokko will be hard to beat at SA BrendaW660 : I like Susie Wynne definitely ... haven't seen her skate with Witherby, but enjoyed BrendaW660 : her skating with Joe Druar. MarshalBak : Train in Toronto now LeeAnn 1 : Okay, we seem to be avoiding it, but I'm bringin it up. How about those men. :) JL Pooley : I think so too, MOrry. Nebula5 : Yeah, how about 'em? MorryS : Joe Druar has recently teamed Jean Mily JL Pooley : Witherby didn't HAVE to reinstate; he never unstated, as it were. MarshalBak : lol Nebula5 : Unstated :) BrendaW660 : how'bout destated? Nebula5 : devistated? MarshalBak : devistated JL Pooley : Yeah, I like that, Brenda!! Nebula5 : Gee, Marshal, now we'r doing it! MorryS : What is this network news that keeps interfearing? Nebula5 : You can go to Members Preferences and turn that off, Morry LisaSeven : Some sort of promo for things on AOL. MarshalBak : ya'al got speedier fingers n me JL Pooley : If you have a Macintosh, Morry, you can turn it off. MorryS : Great Nebula5 : You can do it right now, in fact! MarshalBak : you don't have to watch it LisaSeven : I can't turn it off on mine, I don't think. BrendaW660 : Me neither. MorryS : Not using Mac Nebula5 : Why not? LeeAnn 1 : I'm supposed to be getting one for the Ladies forum. JL Pooley : I don't think so, Lynne; I tried on my sister's PC, and failed misersably. BrendaW660 : But it will go away if you select alt c Nebula5 : Windows, too JL Pooley : The software just doesn't allow it. Nebula5 : No Preferences area to check? MargeR1 : You can turn it off with WIndows version under preferences BrendaW660 : I have preferences ... just not to control that feature. LisaSeven : Which do I click. LeeAnn 1 : hello - back to skating :) BrendaW660 : Sooooo ... MarshalBak : abou those men . . . . BrendaW660 : Fearless leader, Lynne ... what have we covered besides pairs and dance? Nebula5 : Guess. LisaSeven : OK let's get really down and talk about those men! JL Pooley : WEll, for the men, I'm picking Mitchell to win Nationals, with Boitano second. LisaSeven : Gee, great minds think alike. Nebula5 : Naw LeeAnn 1 : I want Brian to go. THere I said it. I think he'll medal, too JL Pooley : At Olympics, Mitchell will finish 2nd and Boitano 4th. BrendaW660 : Could we have a sentimental favorite here ... naw ... Nebula5 : Chack & Davis LisaSeven : I have to be honest and say Boitano first and Mitchell second. LisaSeven : I hear Mark is skating fantastic. MorryS : You could be right. Mark looked very good the last time I saw him JL Pooley : Mind you, I'm just raw guessing; it's not like a prophecy or anything. LisaSeven : Chack and Davis are heavy contenders for the 2nd spot. LeeAnn 1 : I go with Lynne on the placings. MargeR1 : 1) Boitano 2) mitchell for me Nebula5 : (I am in a minority here & will keep silent for a while.) LisaSeven : If Mark isn't consistent then it will go to Scott or Michael. LeeAnn 1 : yep, but I wouldn't mind Davis going instead of Mitchell. JL Pooley : NEVER keep silent, Julie!! :) LisaSeven : I understand that Mark has changed ALOT. MorryS : Assuming Scott stands up Nebula5 : :| LisaSeven : Julie, yuou say what you think. LeeAnn 1 : what do you mean, Morry? JL Pooley : It's not like we have any real say in the matter anyway!! :) LeeAnn 1 : he falls a lot? LisaSeven : How do you mean, Morry? JL Pooley : Well, all of our picks are assuming they stand up! :) MorryS : He has to learn to stand the pressure LisaSeven : That is true, Janet....so true. BrendaW660 : true ... plus some more maturity wouldn't hurt. LisaSeven : Yes, Mark needs to take the pressure too. I think he is coming to grips with it. LisaSeven : That is the word I have. Nebula5 : OK, I'm just not a big fan of Mr. Mitchell.. as we have seen him so far. But things change. LeeAnn 1 : Personally, I think Mark has a problem with that, too. Just my opinion. MorryS : Some have more tendencys to blow JL Pooley : It's hard to make predictions unless you assume a perfect skate from everyone involved.... LisaSeven : I think that the way there are so many jumps now demanded that it is going to boil down LisaSeven : to who does stay up the entire program and keeps his cool. LeeAnn 1 : I'm a little with you on this one Julie. I like Mark, but not my fav. by far. Nebula5 : That's it every Olympics LisaSeven : I don't think it is possible for a perfect skate except rarely anymore. MorryS : The best Jumper is Elvis JL Pooley : And even Elvis has his bad days. Nebula5 : (Also not a fav.) BrendaW660 : True, Morry,. Of course, I think Elvis isn't as mature either. LisaSeven : What is going to make the difference is handling nerves. LisaSeven : Elvis, as he matures, is going to let nerves get to him more than before. BrendaW660 : Kurt Browning has gained leaps and bounds in just a year. Maybe some of our LeeAnn 1 : at the press conference, Scott said he though Brian's Olympic performance was the best ever. Ever! LeeAnn 1 : :) LisaSeven : Hi Michael. MorryS : Oh yes. He was amazing at Worlds when you consider he crashed and burned in the TP Nebula5 : But how long ago was that??? BrendaW660 : "newer kids" will make the same progress. LisaSeven : Welcome to the Figure Skating Forum. Michae2204 : Hi Lisa LeeAnn 1 : what Julie? LisaSeven : I think that we are looking at one of the best men's competitions that we will see in a LisaSeven : long time coming up. Nebula5 : Brian's Olympic Performance BrendaW660 : Indeed ........ can't WAIT to get there! LeeAnn 1 : 6 years ago. JL Pooley : But ya know, Lynne, I would have said that about the last Olympics, and look what happened in Mens. Nebula5 : That was a rhetorical question... LeeAnn 1 : Sorry Nebula5 : :) LeeAnn 1 : :/ LisaSeven : Well...that is true. I mean the caliber of men who are competing.... JL Pooley : Except for Paul Wylie, the last Olympic Mens' was kind of a downer. BrendaW660 : On the other hand, the ladies could be wildest in that it could be anyone. Nebula5 : Well, we've trashed the men, how about the women? LisaSeven : Well, I think that ought to be very interesting also. JL Pooley : Oh, I don't think we've TRASHED anybody.... :) BrendaW660 : Men's talent is so deep now we could justify any one of a handful of winners at Nationals. MargeR1 : Brian B seemed at his peak in 92. His presence would have made it more interesting but bad MorryS : Standing by the rail I thought it was great. Paul skate the best in his live MargeR1 : for Paul LisaSeven : Katerina should be worthwhile seeing. I don't think she is going to come to the Olympics LisaSeven : with a run of the mill performance. Nebula5 : Ohh moan, MOrry! JL Pooley : I saw Katerina skate last week and she looked GOOD! Nebula5 : Jealous, jealous BrendaW660 : I bet that was exciting! (Paul's performance, I mean) BrendaW660 : Really, Janet? Nebula5 : What/where was she skating? MargeR1 : How many triples from Katerina Janet? JL Pooley : Yes. She was nailing 3 triples, alas, I do not know what they were, however. MorryS : When the flag went up all came apart JL Pooley : This was at a show in Calgary. JL Pooley : Not 3 different ttriples, sorry; I meant nailed one 3 times. LisaSeven : I still think that for all of Katerina's slinking lately, she still has the athetic power Nebula5 : Thank goodness for live CBC coverage - we stood up & cheered & bawled! MorryS : Which triple LisaSeven : and teh showmanship to pull off a win. JL Pooley : Anyway, if she doesn't make that German team, it won't be because she hasn't worked for it. JL Pooley : I don't know Morry, sorry. I want to say loop, but I couldn't swear to it. LisaSeven : Hi Grp24!!! Welcome to the figure skating forum. Nebula5 : I hope they all have to work - reinstaters & others. GRP24 : well it's about time!!! BrendaW660 : huh? JL Pooley : Her spins were divinely fast. Nebula5 : Welcome to the Figure Skating Forum! JL Pooley : Hi Julie! GRP24 : This is a new area for me. be gentle LisaSeven : Hey guys...Grp24 is my friend from Hollywood tonight....a fellow film person. BrendaW660 : Oh, hi, GRP24! Nebula5 : *WELCOME* BrendaW660 : Welcome, JULIE!! JulieD3964 : I'll be nice JulieD3964 : Hi all - sorry I'm late GRP24 : howdy everyone. nice to feel welcomed LisaSeven : I Julie. LeeAnn 1 : Hi Julie! Nebula5 : No, I Julie LisaSeven : These are a great bunch of people, Grp24. LeeAnn 1 : No, I jUlie. JL Pooley : Hi Grp! LisaSeven : Anyway, I think Katerina is a major contender...I think she could walk off with the gold. Nebula5 : We're sort of wacky sometimes. MorryS : Is anyone going to Skate America? Nebula5 : Are you? JL Pooley : I WANT TO!!! JulieD3964 : Janet has *almost* conveinced me to go to Skate Canada with her.... MargeR1 : I wish....... LisaSeven : I may go at the last minute, Morry. I am trying to get to Los Angeles in Oct. LeeAnn 1 : Do you think Michelle Kwan has a relistic chance of going? MorryS : I am going to work part of the event Nebula5 : Zamboni? :) LisaSeven : I think that Michelle does. Nicole and Lisa would need to improve first. LisaSeven : What part of the event are you doing, Morry? LeeAnn 1 : She's so very young. BrendaW660 : Julie, how? No vacation time? MorryS : Kwan has a good chance. She has a busy sched. LeeAnn 1 : training or comps or both? JulieD3964 : I can borrow ahead and run up the charge card some more.... GRP24 : I hope you don't mind if I watch a little first? LisaSeven : I think that Nancy will definitely go. Nebula5 : Yay! BrendaW660 : tsk, tsk, Julie LeeAnn 1 : I pray so. MorryS : Not doing event. As Vp I am to take care of the Russians LisaSeven : That is great! LeeAnn 1 : What of Tonya? Nebula5 : GRP, when we're done, go over to the Library and download some past Forums. LisaSeven : If I can get to SKate America I will give you a call and say hi... MorryS : ????? BrendaW660 : I have a soft spot for Tonya Harding! MorryS : Please get in touch if you do show up LisaSeven : Yes...I do too. I would like to see Tonya make the team. LisaSeven : Yes, MOrry, I will definitely. If I get to Los Angeles, I could also give you a call hello. Nebula5 : Well, then, who's your pick for our team - ladies? LeeAnn 1 : I felt so bad for her last year ( and the year before.) LisaSeven : Nancy, Tonya, Michelle MorryS : Tonya has more tallent than most but has a head problem GRP24 : OK Neb Nebula5 : Only 2 can go, though, right? BrendaW660 : True ... but she's the gutsiest. JulieD3964 : I'm taking the Vagabond Janet Skating Tour of the Universe trip to Delware - will see Tonya there! BrendaW660 : Right, only two. BrendaW660 : I think it should be Harding and ... hmmm ... LisaSeven : Oh boy....well....it could be a tossup. JulieD3964 : I like Nicole Bobek - don't know how she'll do but I like her MorryS : Got to go. See you all later. Nebula5 : Bye Morry! JulieD3964 : Bye Morry! BrendaW660 : I prefer Lisa Ervin, but she hasn't developed her interpretation that well yet. BrendaW660 : Bye morry JL Pooley : Bye Morry LisaSeven : Bye Morry.... MarshalBak : Yes, after the ASW article there have been a lot of Tonya fans calling for tickets LisaSeven : Nicole has potential. JL Pooley : Harding and Kwan are my predictions. LisaSeven : I was sorry to hear that Elaine Zayak was not skating well. Nebula5 : I got to see her do the Campell tour in Portland. LeeAnn 1 : not Nancy? JulieD3964 : I just follow Janet who follows the skaters around the country - I like ALL skaters Nebula5 : (Tonya, that is) BrendaW660 : Well, Kwan has certainly received the hype, even if it was premature. LisaSeven : If Nancy pulls it all together I think they will give her preference. BrendaW660 : This was a tough year for her ... I think she'll be handicapped in the judges' eyes. Nebula5 : I bet if she lasts she'd be on the Next Olympic team - Kwan. LeeAnn 1 : *Welcome* JulieD3964 : Sorry guys but Kerrigan just doesn't do much for me - she's talented but it's the little things JL Pooley : I think Nancy will place a close third. Nebula5 : Hey! MaliaS1 : HEY EVERYBODY MALIAS1 IS HERE, SO WHATS GOING ON Nebula5 : Welcome to the Figure Skating Forum! BrendaW660 : We're discussing figure skating, malia. JL Pooley : Hi Malia -- please turn off the caps lock! MarshalBak : lol Nebula5 : I like Nancy, but not necessarily her skating... MaliaS1 : thanks everyone and sorry. LisaSeven : I think Kwan is very young. Nancy is not my favorite skater but she can do beautiful LisaSeven : skating. LisaSeven : Hi Malia. I used to live in Hawaii. Nebula5 : Not more Hawaii stuff!! :) MaliaS1 : hi lisa where did you live. LisaSeven : Did all of you get my note on what Morry said about the Summer Skate Competition? LisaSeven : I live in Louisiana, Malia. BrendaW660 : no Nebula5 : Don't recall. GRP24 : Which comes next, Worlds or Olympics this year? LisaSeven : MOrry says that there will be a USFSA sanctioned competition this summer in Los LisaSeven : Los Angeles. JL Pooley : Olympics first, hen Worlds. LeeAnn 1 : I know Michelle is younger than Lisa and Bobek, but she does seem more mature in some respects. Nebula5 : I think Worlds is always second. LisaSeven : It will be an open competition. MaliaS1 : did everyone hear about the Broadmoor, and when its closing. JL Pooley : What does "open" mean? LisaSeven : All disciplines and divisions according to level, age etc. BrendaW660 : In some ways, yes, LeeAnn. Nebula5 : This summer? 1983 or 84? GRP24 : so everyone is training for Norway? Nebula5 : 9999993 or 9999994 LisaSeven : 94 I believe Neb. BrendaW660 : Yes, but our number of spots is severely limited, GRP. Nebula5 : (I'm behind the times.) JL Pooley : Yep Grp -- training to make the team to GO to Norway. BrendaW660 : We can only send two men and two ladies to the '94 Olympics. LisaSeven : It sounds like a great way to see the up and comers and the greats also. Nebula5 : So what Nebula5 : 'OOps LisaSeven : Hey... GRP24 : yes JL Pooley : 3 pairs and 1 dance couple Nebula5 : So what's the order of competitions? Skate Am, NAtionals, Olys, WOrlds? LisaSeven : Only once dance couple? That is ridiculous. MaliaS1 : so what is the topic exactly this Thursday. BrendaW660 : Right, Nebula. But there are other int'l comps in between. LisaSeven : Skate America, Nationals, Oly\mpics and Worlds. JL Pooley : Well, us and a lot of other countries, Lynne. MargeR1 : no LisaSeven : Yes...I am spoiled I guess and expect for us to have MORE.... Nebula5 : And who's hosting? BrendaW660 : no? LisaSeven : I am hosting.... Nebula5 : :) LisaSeven : You mean tonight, Neb? JL Pooley : No, she means next week, Lynne Nebula5 : Next week MaliaS1 : I know this is far away but who plans to go to the olympics LisaSeven : Boy, am I out of it... Nebula5 : Me Nebula5 : (Going to Olympics) LisaSeven : You are hosting next week, Neb? MaliaS1 : olympics in Japan Nebula5 : NO LisaSeven : Oh... LeeAnn 1 : Hey, Julie, I'm going to be asking you to get me a program, please. JulieD3964 : Janet should host JL Pooley : No, Olympics are in Norway. Nebula5 : (No, LIllehammer)] JL Pooley : Worlds are in Japan LeeAnn 1 : I'm a program junkie. JulieD3964 : A program from what? Nebula5 : Yu betcha JL Pooley : I'll host if nobody's scheduled MaliaS1 : no 1998 in Japan. LisaSeven : Hey gang, I think our time is nearly over. LeeAnn 1 : no Neb. Julie. :) Nebula5 : That is far away JL Pooley : Oh, THOSE Olympics! Nebula5 : Ah. LeeAnn 1 : I know. But i have to get these things in. Don't worry, I'll remind you. :) LisaSeven : So, can someone host next week? Nebula5 : Silence. JulieD3964 : Janet is hosting GRP24 : Normally the US sends Three each to the Olympics but this time it is reduced? LisaSeven : Janet.....ahem... JL Pooley : I think I'm elected, LisaLynne LisaSeven : Janet is hosting. MaliaS1 : So why not think ahead. I'm planning on going . Nebula5 : No, GRP, based on last year's Worlds results LisaSeven : Yes, Grp24. It depends on how many of our people medal. BrendaW660 : To earn three, you have to place in the top three (?) at world's the previous year. JL Pooley : No, GRP, it depends on how well you do in Worlds the year beofree Spanner : huh? Nebula5 : All Together Now Nebula5 : Welcome to the Figure Skating Forum! LeeAnn 1 : Do you all want to go to a private chat room? BrendaW660 : Well, at least we're enthusiastic, even if we ARE repetitive. BrendaW660 : Sure , I can for a few minutes. JL Pooley : OK, next week's topic will be: How to Become a Skating Vagabond, Just Like Janet! GRP24 : OH LisaSeven : Yes, Janet I think you have been elected!!!! Nebula5 : I'm leaving. Will post log. See you nex tweek JL Pooley : Night Neb! BrendaW660 : Bye, Nebla. LisaSeven : Thanks Neb... LeeAnn 1 : by JulieZ. :) LisaSeven : What private room are you going to? LeeAnn 1 : how about Morry? BrendaW660 : OK. Race y'all there! MaliaS1 : What does everyone think about oksana Baiul. LisaSeven : I will try to see you all in awhile. I am going to Hollywood Tonight . MarshalBak : gotta go--see ya next week! MaliaS1 : she's pretty good. thats a run for the gold i must say. GRP24 : Thanks for the info it was very interesting see ya MaliaS1 : gee is everyone leaving already. JL Pooley : G'night all! JulieD3964 : LBye!